Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Missing Flowers

We are adamant about following three rules when it comes to my grandpa's headstone.

  1. He only gets the highest quality flowers in his vase. (They hold up so much better than the cheapies.)
  2. Any flower that is put in the vase must be either be a favorite of his, a favorite of mine or Amy's, or a flower that reminds us of him. (Typically it is snapdragons and peonies.)
  3. He must never, ever have an empty vase.

We try to keep him the envy of the cemetery--which I'm certain he is!

His headstone always looks great, however, when we went up there for his birthday we were horrified to find an empty vase.

The flowers, the foam, everything was gone. Who does that? They could even replace any of it?!

On top of that, when we rushed out the door we left behind the new foam and his special flowers.

The whole thing was a shame.

Luckily we had the flowers that Gigi brought for the other graves. They didn't fit rule #1 or #2, and with no foam to hold them up high they looked even sadder, but at least he had something in his vase.

We decided it would have to be good enough until we could make it back up there with good flowers, so we finished our rounds and put the flowers on the rest of the graves. (I can't even believe how much digging we had to do to get some of them unburied.)

As we were getting ready to leave, Henry and I decided that we couldn't leave his grave without at least a little bit of fancy, so we quickly built him a little snowman.

If we would have had gloves and a little more time, he would have REALLY been the envy of the cemetery! (Although someone would have probably knocked it down as soon as we left because they were, you know, jealous!)
Aside from all of the bitterness on my part, today is his birthday!

He would have been 78.

I had to double check that a couple of times, because it's really hard for me to believe. He was only 62 when he died.

I'm betting at 78 he would still be ornery as hell!

I miss him...........a lot.