Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Year I Overcame My Fears

Clearly, I am thankful for all the obvious things, Ben, our boys, our family, but this year I was equally, if not more, thankful that my Thanksgiving Dinner turned out so well.

It sounds a little shallow, but I was really, really worried about it!

I mostly feared that big frozen butterball.

I'd barely even seen a whole, raw anything before--let alone cook something like that. I went back and forth about passing the turkey off to someone else, but ultimately I decided to do it on my own.

There were some set backs. I shed some tears and said some choice words as I tried to get it thawed and into the brine, but in the end it turned out better than I thought. It was so juicy and delicious!

This year was so different from the last Thanksgiving I hosted. Everything came together so well. The food was good, my tables were nice, and I planned it out well enough, that there was no stress on the Thanksgiving Day.

I absolutely love this holiday--and now I can say that even on the years I have to host!!