Monday, October 11, 2010

Sick Day at the Park

Lucas was sick on Friday.

When I called the school it really was legitimate. I promise!

A couple of weeks ago, Ben sent Luke to school when he told him he didn't feel good. Within 15 minutes of school starting, Luke threw up in a trash can in his classroom. It was sad.

On Friday, he spent most of the time before the bus came in the bathroom. He wasn't "lay in bed" sick, but I didn't want to risk him not making it to the bathroom in time at school. That would be far, far worse than throwing up in front of everyone.

After an hour or so, it was clear that he had gotten it all through his system, but before taking him to school, we went to Gigi's and then made a stop at the park.

We just kept saying, "we'll go to school after...."

We ended up deciding it would just count as our Fall Holiday, and just enjoyed having Luke at home all day.

Henry still had to go to school and I made sure Luke knew that this wasn't a normal "sick day", but really every once in awhile you just need those kind of special fun days!