Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun at the Laundromat

Yesterday, I spent the morning at the laundromat thanks to a broken washer at our house.

Henry and I dropped Joshers off at preschool and decided to see if Olivia wanted to join in on the excitement.

They spent their time running around and acting like a bunch of maniacs. Olivia tried to teach Henry how to do a cartwheel--she was unsuccessful--and he showed her how he stands on his head.

He also tried to quiz her on what type of guns his plastic army men were holding. He didn't understand why she didn't get any of them right. Clearly Gretchen isn't teaching her girls the important things in life!

I actually don't really mind the laundromat. It's terrible having to lug the baskets in and out, but I get a bit of down time and walk away with every last piece of dirty laundry washed and folded in an hour or two.

It's a lovely feeling!

Even better, my washer is now fixed and I have absolutely nothing to wash!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Military Boys

A couple of weeks ago, Ben took the boys up to see one of his buddies who was getting ready to go back to Afghanistan.

He let them have a tour of their trucks and equipment.

The boys came back totally ecstatic about everything they got to see.

It was quite a treat!

I'm pretty sure Ben was just as excited about the outing as the other three were!

The boys each got a turn with the ginormous gun, too. The one of Josh Oliver cracks me up the most!

Monday, October 11, 2010

From the Chinese Kitchen of Josh Oliver

Dear Dan and Linda,

Earlier today Josh Oliver whipped up a batch of his special Chinese food just for you.

I'm not 100% sure what all went into the special creation, but it involved cereal, granola, water, a dash of garlic salt, some basil, coconut, and a few other "secret" ingredients that he didn't let me in on.

He planned on bringing it over to your house today for you to enjoy. I, however, took the last lid for my own delicious soup, so we couldn't bring it over. (Your welcome!)

He was angry with me, but we smoothed things over when we decided to put in the fridge and save it for you to come over and try later. (Sorry about that!)

So, whenever you feel up to trying something new, feel free to come by. Josh Oliver has a special treat just for you!


Sick Day at the Park

Lucas was sick on Friday.

When I called the school it really was legitimate. I promise!

A couple of weeks ago, Ben sent Luke to school when he told him he didn't feel good. Within 15 minutes of school starting, Luke threw up in a trash can in his classroom. It was sad.

On Friday, he spent most of the time before the bus came in the bathroom. He wasn't "lay in bed" sick, but I didn't want to risk him not making it to the bathroom in time at school. That would be far, far worse than throwing up in front of everyone.

After an hour or so, it was clear that he had gotten it all through his system, but before taking him to school, we went to Gigi's and then made a stop at the park.

We just kept saying, "we'll go to school after...."

We ended up deciding it would just count as our Fall Holiday, and just enjoyed having Luke at home all day.

Henry still had to go to school and I made sure Luke knew that this wasn't a normal "sick day", but really every once in awhile you just need those kind of special fun days!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A List Making Date

While getting my oil changed on Thursday, Henry and I took advantage of our time waiting to make some lists.

He went through a couple of toy catalogs and decided what he wanted to put on his Christmas list. It included everything with the exception of a few things that were too girly or too babyish.

I appreciate him narrowing things down for me!

I worked on my own book of lists. Random things that have been cluttering up my brain.

It was productive and really quite a lovely date--I only wish I would have walked away with an idea or two for Christmas!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Celebrating October

We spent last weekend welcoming in October.

It's such a fabulous month--definitely my favorite!

We spent the weekend going through all of our Halloween stuff. We did some decorating and played with the old costumes. The boys worked on buildings for the haunted ghost town they want to put up on their bedroom walls.

We also took the dogs on a walk and stopped by the park. You just can't beat this weather!

I made us a spooky dinner which included all things "gross"--monster toes, brains, eyeballs. The goblets of blood was by far the favorite! Oddly enough we didn't have anything pumpkin. In October, every meal really should have delicious pumpkin in it somewhere! I dropped the ball on that one!

It's going to be a great month. I'm going to make sure that we make the most of it this year!