Sometime this summer Josh Oliver started wearing several shirts at the same time.
Some days he will only wear two and some days it's as many as five. His favorite number to wear is three, though. (He likes three the best because he is three--obviously!)
It's not too dorky or noticeable when he wears the longest sleeved shirt on the outside. There have been days, though, when he puts on a long sleeved shirt, then one or two short sleeved ones, and tops it all off with a tank top.
Those are the days we don't run any errands! Just kidding!
I like it when kids are quirky--it makes them extra fun! And, my kids are definitely quirky dressers! I try to get them to dress half way decent for school, but if they want to get creative with their outfits the rest of the time, then I say go for it!
(Ben doesn't really agree. He only likes to leave the house with "non-quirky" dressers!)
Plus, there have been times when the extra shirts have come in handy. We just peel off the top dirty layer and he's a whole new, clean kid!