Monday, September 27, 2010

Three Shirts are Better than One

Sometime this summer Josh Oliver started wearing several shirts at the same time.

Some days he will only wear two and some days it's as many as five. His favorite number to wear is three, though. (He likes three the best because he is three--obviously!)

It's not too dorky or noticeable when he wears the longest sleeved shirt on the outside. There have been days, though, when he puts on a long sleeved shirt, then one or two short sleeved ones, and tops it all off with a tank top.

Those are the days we don't run any errands! Just kidding!

I like it when kids are quirky--it makes them extra fun! And, my kids are definitely quirky dressers! I try to get them to dress half way decent for school, but if they want to get creative with their outfits the rest of the time, then I say go for it!

(Ben doesn't really agree. He only likes to leave the house with "non-quirky" dressers!)

Plus, there have been times when the extra shirts have come in handy. We just peel off the top dirty layer and he's a whole new, clean kid!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

And Now They Are All in School

On the 14th, Josh Oliver started preschool.

He was super excited about it, but was a little mad when he realized he didn't get to ride the bus. "But I'm a big boy?!" he kept telling me.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I dread the day he is big enough to ride the bus.

When we dropped him off at school, he couldn't get inside fast enough. He'd been waiting weeks!
He really loves preschool! I'm glad. I'm especially glad that he only goes 2 days a week!

(Henry kind of stole his thunder as he went in by yelling "hi" to his teachers. Luckily, though, Josh didn't care--especially since Henry hollers at them every time we pick him up or drop him off!)

Friday, September 17, 2010


There is one room in our house that is far more exciting than the others.

My heart always races a little the closer I get to it--especially if it's been a week or more since I've been in there.

I never quite know what I'm going to walk in to find in the Art Room. Sometimes it's play-doh everywhere, or paint, or the games all mixed up on the floor. The possibilities are endless!

The boys love to play in there, but if I'm not in there to control the mess, it will get out of control pretty quickly!

The other day I got about two steps in before I stepped in a puddle of goopy glue on the floor. Henry was trying to fix a toy that had broken and had managed to get a full bottle of glue on the floor and table in the process.

The toy, however, wasn't fixed.

I quickly shut the door and decided to deal with it later.

I went in the next day and was surprised, yet again, with my collection of buttons spread all over the floor. Apparently Henry was looking for more glue and knocked half of the stuff on my shelf off. He tried to clean it up, but it really was an awfully big mess for him to pick up.

Sadly, the toy still didn't get fixed and Henry has discovered how lovely buttons are, so I now have to share my collection with him.

I guess I should just be glad it's a pretty easy room to clean, and if nothing else I can just shut the door and deal with it another day--although that is a risky gamble!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We Love Roadtrips!

Because of his work schedule, Ben doesn't get to go to Kansas City with us very often.

Luckily, he got to go the weekend after Audrey was born.

Unfortunately this picture pretty much sums up how the trip up there went:
Luke and Henry were being loud and rowdy the first half. Animals were being tossed, blankets were being stolen. If only we could figure out how to make a barrier between them some how.

The second half Josh Oliver was throwing a fit because he didn't get to pick out a movie at the RedBox. Can you tell he was pretty angry? The horrid stare down was actually a welcome break from all the screaming and yelling he was doing!

We spent most of the trip with the radio up while we chatted and pretended like we left the kids at home. We are getting pretty good at it!

I'm wondering if Ben's going to feel sorry for me the next time I have to take the three boys to K.C. by myself?!