Lucas got to sign up for a library card last week.
It was a really exciting day!
He was definitely ready for is own card. Not only is he old enough and responsible enough for one of his own, but he is also ready to move beyond our home library. It is quite massive, but it just doesn't have enough "older" kid books in it.
I have quickly learned that I need to make sure chapter/longer books are going to be good ones before we buy them. A lot of times I read them aloud to all of the boys, and, while I can handle reading a bad picture book over and over again, I don't like investing an hour or two re-reading a terrible chapter book. Not good books are a waste of money and my voice!
That means that the library is our new best friend!
I didn't really take the boys to the library much when they were smaller. It was just too stressful. I love that we have now rediscovered it!
We already have quite the list of books that we want to check out, not to mention the little gems we come across when we are just browsing! Basically, we are lucky that Luke has a card just so that we can check out twice as many books!