Friday, March 27, 2009

Josh Oliver's feet

I've been worried about Josh Oliver's feet for awhile--since about August. They really turn in quite a bit. 

Amy, our favorite physical therapist, says it's because he sits in a "W" a lot. He does really good at pulling his feet out in front of him when we remind him, but that is really the way that he loves to sit. My mom is certain that he needs to wear his shoes on the wrong feet. Amy disagrees. I had to wear mine like that for a year, but now my feet are straight so it's hard to argue too much against it. 

Josh had his two year appointment the other day. His Dr agreed with Amy and said that he should be sitting "criss-cross" more. I'm pretty sure Amy told me that, but obviously she wasn't assertive enough because I forgot. 

For the last week or two, I've been putting Josh's shoes on the wrong feet. It does help push them straight. Whenever I asked Amy about it in the past, I always felt like she was saying, "if it will make you feel better, than it won't hurt," but really not very confident in that method. I am such a worrier that I decided that I need the security of feeling like I'm making a difference. Plus, of my three boys, Henry is the only one who has nice forward pointing toes. He is also my only one who puts his shoes on the wrong feet nearly everyday. It's probably a coincidence, but one way or another I will get those feet straight!