On Friday, we had a Mexican Fiesta to celebrate Henry J's birthday.
He really wanted to have his party at Chuck E. Cheese this year.
Every time he mentioned it, though, I felt like I was seconds from breaking out in hives. The thought of even having to step foot in that place is just too much for me.
I convinced him that a party at home would be just as fun. He agreed as long as he could have a pinata. It was a deal that I was more than happy to make!
* * * * *
More than anything, Henry wanted a Nintendo 3D DS. Other than a couple of small things, that was the only thing on both his birthday and Christmas lists.
I made a rule when Luke was 6 that if any of the boys wanted a DS before they were 8 they had to save up their money and buy it on their own. (It seems like a good rule, but not as practical as it seemed at the time. I have since learned my lesson not to make long lasting, rigid rules!)
Henry is in no way a saver, so he was totally relying on his birthday for his pricey purchase.
Luckily, he got the message out loud and clear!
He ended up with enough to buy not only his 3D DS but also a game to go along with it.
He was ecstatic!
* * * * *
In the end, Henry was happy with his Fiesta.
He got his pinata! He got everything on his wish list--including
lots of candy! And, the kids had an awesome dance party in the basement!
On top of that, the food was much better and I kept my sanity!
At some point I'm going to have to give in to Chuck E. Cheese......Lord help me.